Thank You

In this post I want to thank some people who made this project possible for me and helped me a lot. Firstly I want to thank to Mr. Bastian Salmen. Without his permission I couldn´t document and introduce this program. Not just permission but also for the active participation in this project Mr. Salmen was…

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Vlog #4: She makes new friends!

Last episode we have arranged an appointment for the bank account at Kreissparkasse. In this episode Dilara opens a bank account. After that we went to registration office of university in order to get Dilaras university ID, immatriculation documents and advertisement brochure. After we finished university works, I introduce Dilara to my friends and we…

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One day with StudIT!

Previous posts I explained already what Studit is. In this video which I filmed with my friend Damien, we documented an event of StudIt. This short movie was part of my CampusTV workpiece. You can learn what StudIT really does and what kind of events they offer for Exchange students.

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Offices and Departments

Bürgeramt Tübingen If you are new in Tübingen, one of the first tasks you should do is registration at citizens office; which called „Bürgeramt“ in German. You have to take your passport, acceptance letter from University and rental contract with you. If the office needs more documents, they will inform you about it. Adress: Schmiedtorstrasse…

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