The most important emergency numbers
Police 110
Fire Department 112
Ambulance / emergency doctor 112
Fax emergency number for people with hearing or speech impairments 110 and 112
Medical on call out of office hours 116 117
Information about the pharmacy emergency service 0800 00 22 833 (free of charge from the German fixed network)
Help phone “Violence against women” 0800 0116016 (free of charge)
White ring, support for victims of crime 116 006
Social help phone “Who helps further?” 07071 700077
Women help women e.V., Autonomous Women’s Home 07071 66604
Working group life e.V., crisis advice 07071 19298
AIDS-Hilfe Tübingen-Reutlingen e.V. 07071 44490
AIDS counseling, District Office Tübingen, Department of Health 07071 2073312