Vlog #1: First day with my buddy

After I received an email from Buddy Program, which says who my buddy is, i communicate with her immediately. I wrote her a direct message on Instagram to contact her faster and easily( I recommend all other buddies also this way because communicating via Instagram or Facebook gives a friendly impression than communication via email.).

I offered her to pick her up from airport and she was thankful for that. She also asked some questions about room keys and dormitory. Until she arrived to Germany we kept in touch.

On 2nd April I got the bus 828 to the airport, which takes approximately 45 minutes from Tübingen. The ticket costs 7 euro 80 cent but the students with semester ticket pay only 5 euro 30 cent. Picking up your buddy from airport is up to you. It is not obligatory but voluntarily. That is why the buddies should consider those ticket costs because buddy program doesn’t pay those kind of expenses.

After 40 minutes waiting we met at Terminal 1 and I helped her to carry the luggages. We took the Bus 828 again and went to Tuebingen. Then the rush began. After we got off from bus, we noticed that we forget a bag in the bus and ran to the main bus station to catch that bus. It was really stressful 20 minutes but luckily we found the bus and also bag in it. It was already 16.30 o’clock and the dormitory office was closing at 16 o’clock. Now there were 2 options in front of us: either we try to get the key from dormitory office or we found somewhere that she can stay for a night.

To be continued…